Putting Drills

Around the World Putting Drill with Blair O'Neal
Straight putts, right to left, left to right, you have it all in this Around the World putting drill that helps to build confidence. Ultimately, confidence is what we need...
Around the World Putting Drill with Blair O'Neal
Straight putts, right to left, left to right, you have it all in this Around the World putting drill that helps to build confidence. Ultimately, confidence is what we need...

Lag Putt Drill with Blair O'Neal
The goal is to make sure that if you don't make this putt, the ball is at least going to go past the cup and right around that tee at...
Lag Putt Drill with Blair O'Neal
The goal is to make sure that if you don't make this putt, the ball is at least going to go past the cup and right around that tee at...

Right-Handed Putting Drill with Blair O'Neal
This is one of my favorite drills, my right-handed putting drill here on my putting green in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Right-Handed Putting Drill with Blair O'Neal
This is one of my favorite drills, my right-handed putting drill here on my putting green in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Putt-To-Tee Drill with Blair O'Neal
We’re not just going to putt to a hole like everyone else does - we’re going to spice it up a little bit and putt to a tee. This drill...
Putt-To-Tee Drill with Blair O'Neal
We’re not just going to putt to a hole like everyone else does - we’re going to spice it up a little bit and putt to a tee. This drill...

Speed Towel Drill with Blair O’Neal
We’re going to work on your speed right now. All you need to do is grab a golf towel off of your bag, fold it in half like so, and...
Speed Towel Drill with Blair O’Neal
We’re going to work on your speed right now. All you need to do is grab a golf towel off of your bag, fold it in half like so, and...

Downhill Putt Drill with Blair O’Neal
I’m working on a putt right now that a lot of your playing partners out on a Sunday match, they're not going to give it to you. It’s that downhill...
Downhill Putt Drill with Blair O’Neal
I’m working on a putt right now that a lot of your playing partners out on a Sunday match, they're not going to give it to you. It’s that downhill...